Welcome to R.A. & J.S. Fletcher & Sons.
R.A. & J.S. Fletcher & Sons are a family run retail business owned by Jennifer Fletcher along with her two sons Andrew and Rick & daughter Sarah. With over 33 years experience selling fresh produce from around the world along with many speciality goods we pride ourselves on the quality and service we can provide in Grange Over Sands. We are proud of providing healthy, fresh produce to our local customers as well as tourists and visitors from far and wide.
At R.A. & J.S. Fletcher & Sons we aim to provide the finest in seasonal produce from fresh fruit, Vegetables, Fish, and a wide range of dried goods from Dried Fruits, Nuts,
Pulses, Herbs & Spices, and confectionary products, many with a healthy twist to them. Most of these are available to purchase loose (weighed out) so the customer can
buy exactly the amount they require rather than have to buy a packet that can usually be more than you need. This
way of selling has become increasingly popular with customers when trying new recipes as you can buy just what is needed for the recipe
and have no waste but also customers who like to have zero waste and plastic bring their own containers to purchase the products they require.
We also supply a wide range of everyday grocery products from Honeys, Marmalades and Preserves, Condiments, and many other essential ingredients for cooking with, many of which are not easy to come by in todays shopping world.
So if your looking for somewhere to visit in the Lake District whether its a day trip or a holiday make Grange Over Sands a place you must
visit. Take a look at what Grange has to offer and experience the superb shopping atmosphere we can offer you.
How To Find Us.
From the A590, take the B5277 to Lindale Village. At the mini roundabout take the first left into Grange Over Sands. Pass the Railway Station on the left and take the first left at the mini roundabout by the Duck Pond, this leads you into Grange Over Sands. When you come to the top of Main Street take the second left at the mini roundabout and go 20/30 yards to the cross roads. Turn left onto Kents Bank Road and R.A. and J.S. Fletchers are 40/50 yards on the right hand side next to the Ambulance Station. If coming from the M6 take the Barrow signs until you pick up the Grange Over Sands signs on the A590.